TR-YOS International Students Exam is a selection exam held since 2024 for acceptance of applications of international students to bachelor and associate degree programs at our university.
In a research, a magazine, which is published in Germany, identified 10 cities worldwide that the students can live. Adana ranked 6th out of 10 economic cities worldwide.
"2023 basic statistics of Çukurova University"
As being one of the most deep-rooted universities in Turkey, Çukurova University is also one of the leading universities of Turkey with its 48,173 students. Çukurova University hosting 1,647 international students from 82 different countries is preferred more international students every passing year with 3.42 % internationalization rate.
Any of international activities from social and cultural to academic life.
In a research, a magazine, which is published in Germany, identified 10 cities worldwide that the students can live. The magazine evaluated 799 cities on criteria such as health care, security and economic activity. Adana ranked 6th out of 10 economic cities worldwide. The students studying in Adana confirmed the result and they added they were so happy to study and live in Adana.
The students studying in Adana stated that: “The rents are lower than the other cities. Urban transportation is developed and comfortable. The weather is warm even in winter. When it rains, it becomes colder; whenever it becomes sunny, it gets warmer. Food and beverage is cheaper than the other cities. It is not possible for a man to stay hungry in Adana.”
Photos of Çukurova University Campus